1.1 probability expressed as proportion

An example of 1.1 probability expressed as proportion using 3 in 12


1.2 probability expressed as percentage

An example of 1.2 probability expressed as percentage using 14.50%


1.3 probability expressed as decimal

An example of 1.3 probability expressed as decimal using 0.023


1.4 probability expressed as odds

An example of 1.4 probability expressed as odds using 10 to 1


2.1 multiple probabilities

An example of 2.1 multiple probabilities using 4%,6%,8%


3.1 multiple items; multiple repetitions

An example of 3.1 multiple items; multiple repetitions using 17%


4.1 various outcomes in medical screening

An example of 4.1 various outcomes in medical screening using 1 in 100


4.2 various outcomes in threat screening

An example of 4.2 various outcomes in threat screening using 1 in 10000


5.1 flower field

An example of 5.1 flower field using increase(17%:1%)|decrease(30%:1%)|10%


Read all about it!

What are the Chances of That? - the book - will be published in 2021.

Five reasons that we find it hard to think about uncertainty.

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Is That a Big Number? - the book - is now available from all good booksellers.

"This is a fun and riveting book. Written in an accessible and engaging way, it is unputdownable." Frost Magazine

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