Circumference of the Sun

Circumference of the Sun (4.37 million km)



Neat Ratios ...

Circumference of the Sun (4.37 million km)

  • is 10 x Circumference of Jupiter (439,000 km)...more
  • is 400 x Length of the Trans-Siberian Highway from St Petersburg to Vladivostok (11,000 km)...more
  • is 400 x Circumference of Earth's Moon (10,920 km)...more
  • is 500 x Length of the USA / Canada border (8,890 km)...more
  • is 500 x Length of the Great Wall of China (8,850 km)...more
  • is 500 x Length of the West-East gas pipeline in China (8,710 km)...more
  • is 500 x Length of North America (North to South) (8,600 km)...more
  • is 1000 x Length of the Mekong River (4,350 km)...more

If this was a standard unit ...