IsThatABigNumber Sponsorship Program

Why is this important?

The website was born out of frustration. Frustration with the lack of understanding in public life of the magnitude of the numbers we encounter. Well-educated, engaged people still struggle with understanding at an intuitive level, the difference between millions, billions and trillions. To understand today's world, to properly judge governmental and corporate actions, people really should be able to have a feel for the numbers involved in the problems and the solutions.

IsThatABigNumber is a website that aims to contribute to addressing that problem. Supply a number, and it will place that number in context for you. The quiz tests your own sense of number, and the facts pages and the ratio page present numbers in different ways, all of which help to internalise a sense of magnitude, all in an engaging and entertaining way.

It's a drop in the ocean, but we feel, a worthwhile drop.

There's been a fantastic response, but we can do more

The feedback we've had has been extremely positive. Many teachers have been in touch, telling us they have used in classes; we see users coming onto the website and staying to explore; we see usage from all parts of the world.

With a little self-funded promotion, we now see around 100 visitors a day, many spending long periods on the website, clearly engaging with the content (one vistor called it "addictive"!).

And that is wonderful, but of course there is a cost. Although hosting a website can be done cheaply, it's still not free. And it takes time and effort to maintain and develop (there is so much more that can be done). Besides that, it would be wonderful to be able to fund a more aggressive promotional campaign.

Sponsorship campaign

That is why we are launching a sponsorship drive. This is how it works: We are offering 25 subscription slots, each for $1000. Sponsorship will last for a year, and will entitle you to:

  • Promotion via a display block on the website masthead (displaying 1 sponsor at a time),
  • Inclusion on a list of "our sponsors",
  • A warm feeling that you have done one more thing to fight the innumeracy and irrationality of our times.
  • Our sincere gratitude,

We will use the funds raised in this way

  • to maintain and develop the website and
  • to boost our promotional campaign with social media advertising.


Please help us in our efforts. Wouldn't we all rather live in a world where decision-makers really understood the numbers around us?

If you feel this is worthwhile supporting, please contact me: or on Twitter @itabn_andrew. And if you know someone who might be interested, please share this page and these details.

Thanks for your attention!

Read all about it!

What are the Chances of That? - the book - will be published in 2021.

Five reasons that we find it hard to think about uncertainty.

Click here to learn more about it.

Is That a Big Number? - the book - is now available from all good booksellers.

"This is a fun and riveting book. Written in an accessible and engaging way, it is unputdownable." Frost Magazine

Click here to learn more about it.