Time since start of building of the Parthenon

Time since start of building of the Parthenon (2,468 y)



Neat Ratios ...

Time since start of building of the Parthenon (2,468 y)

  • is 1/100 of Time since the first modern humans (250,000 y)...more
  • is 1/20 of Time since first humans in Australia (50,000 y)...more
  • is about as big as Time since the birth of Socrates (2,490 y)...more
  • is 2 x Time since the birth of al-Khwarizmi (1,246 y)...more
  • is 2 x Time since the birth of al-Kindi (1,220 y)...more
  • is 2.5 x Time since the birth of Omar Khayyam (976 y)...more
  • is 4 x Time since the birth of Toscanelli (627 y)...more
  • is 10 x Time since birth of Sophie Germain (248 y)...more
  • is 10 x Period of Pluto's orbit (248 y)...more
  • is 10 x Time since the birth of Gauss (247 y)...more
  • is 20 x Time since first transatlantic wireless communication (123 y)...more
  • is 25 x Time since Charles Lindbergh first flew across the Atlantic (97 y)...more
  • is 40 x Time since first human went into space (62 y)...more
  • is 100 x One average human generation (25 y)...more
  • is 250 x Time since first Tesla Model S launched (10 y)...more

If this was a standard unit ...

Is That A Big Number? - The Book

Yes, there's now a book based on these numbers. Oxford University Press: July 2018.

Click here to learn more about it.

Click here for Podcast: Andrew Elliott interviewed for New Books Network.
